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MY VAMPIRE SYSTEM Chapter 1 Just an old Book
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Anmeldungsdatum: 05.02.2023
Beiträge: 144

BeitragVerfasst am: 27. Feb 2023 07:09    Titel: MY VAMPIRE SYSTEM Chapter 1 Just an old Book Antworten mit Zitat

MY VAMPIRE SYSTEM Chapter 1 Just an old Book

Don’t die by falling over Quinn! "A boy shouted down the hallway.To get more news about My Vampire System, you can visit official website.

Quin carried on walking down the school corridor. Harassment had become a daily occurrence for him but it still bothered him just as much every day and he couldn’t help himself but retaliate.

Quinn stopped and pushed his glasses back up as they had slipped down from his face. He needed a new pair and just from looking at them, you could tell they were heavily worn. The sides were covered with tape and they didn’t even fit straight on his face.

Quinn then turned around and immediately gave the middle finger.

"I bet you don’t even know how many fingers I’m holding up!"

The boy clenched his fist and started running towards Quinn.

"You level 1 piece of crap! When are you going to learn that you don’t belong in this world?"

The boy then placed both of his hands together and a green ball of light started to form. When he was only a few meters away from Quinn, the boy threw his hands forward and the green light shot out from the palm of his hands.

Quinn had nowhere to go and the beam of light was too fast for him to dodge. All he could do was grit his teeth and bear the pain. As the light hit Quinn, his body was lifted into the air and sent flying backwards into the corridor wall.

"What’s going on?" One of the students nearby said. "Are they fighting on the last day of school?"

A crowd had immediately formed outside as people were interested in what the commotion was about. One of the female students ran over to the damaged part of the wall to check on the student’s safety.

The dust started to settle and Quinn’s slightly curly black hair was coming into view. When eventually the dust all cleared up and the female saw who it was, she immediately backed away and continued her business as if nothing happened.

When the female student had returned to her friends, Quinn could see that they were laughing at her.

Anmeldungsdatum: 29.03.2023
Beiträge: 165958

BeitragVerfasst am: 11. Jul 2023 03:17    Titel: value Antworten mit Zitat


Anmeldungsdatum: 29.03.2023
Beiträge: 165958

BeitragVerfasst am: 15. Apr 2024 11:26    Titel: value Antworten mit Zitat

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