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Details About Lake West Sheikh Zayed Project villas
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saly kareem

Anmeldungsdatum: 20.04.2022
Beiträge: 183

BeitragVerfasst am: 23. Aug 2022 10:39    Titel: Details About Lake West Sheikh Zayed Project villas Antworten mit Zitat

The exceptional features of Lake West Sheikh Zayed Project
Lake West El Sheikh Zayed is the invisible hands that meet the dreams of lovers of excellence and creativity, so the real estate developer has included everything that meets the requirements and needs of the residents so that they can live a comfortable and stable life, and this appeared through a package of the most wonderful and exclusive features that added a lot on the services provided.

It offers large areas of artificial lakes in the compound of Lake West Sheikh Zayed and the most beautiful dancing fountains and crystal lagoon with sparkling crystal water that add more sophistication and luxury to the compound.
Establishment of an area designated for children with Kids Area, providing them with all entertainment facilities, and many entertaining activities with the presence of supervisors inside Lake West Compound.
All units in Lake West are secured with the latest firefighting equipment.
There are administrative offices to receive complaints and malfunctions in Lake West Project, and it has a selection of the best technicians working in all areas of maintenance.
Enjoy looking at the most beautiful green areas, landscapes, and tall trees, and get ready for your daily activity to start the finest and happiest times in Lake West.
Tracks are designed for walking and running amid the natural greenery to enable you to breathe healthy air while practicing your favorite sport, and there are tracks specially designed off the road for cycling in Lake West Compound.
Enjoy the charming atmosphere and more diverse entertainment in the Club House, which offers its services at the highest levels of sophistication.
Providing garages with large areas, especially for unit owners within Lake West Sheikh Zayed Compound.
Know in detail about the best projects and compounds in Sheikh Zayed

The units announced in
Lake West Sheikh Zayed
and their area
Live in a distinctive housing unit with modern European designs with international touches with a sophisticated and luxurious character, and enjoy modern décor that suits different tastes. The project includes a large number of various units between standalone villas, townhouses, and twin houses with a total of 104 units of different sizes, which made the multiplicity of these options easy for you to find the most suitable one for you inside Lake West Compound.

More than one model has been made in terms of design, but all of them agree with the owners of high taste, and all units enjoy the fact that they overlook the various green spaces and delightful industrial lakes, and all units are delivered fully finished from the outside, and semi-finished from the inside so that leaves you to choose the decor that suits Your taste, and international companies have been contracted in the field of decoration to implement what suits your needs and the highest quality standards, so as not to burden you with this stage, and all units will be delivered after three years from the date of the contract inside Lake West Project.

Townhouses space starts from 231 m² up to 320 m², with a garden area starting from 115 m² up to 207 m² in Lake West Compound.
While the space of the twin houses starts from 370 square meters, attached to a garden, the space starts from 223 square meters up to 325 square meters inside Lake West Project Sheikh Zayed.
For stand-alone villas, their space starts from 493 square meters and reaches 546 square meters, with an attached garden area starting from 334 square meters and up to 385 square meters, and it has a private entrance and is surrounded by a fence in Lake West Project Sheikh Zayed.
There are also independent villas with large areas starting from 720 square meters up to 834 square meters, attached to a garden with an area of ​​510 square meters and up to 630 square meters, and it also has a private entrance and is surrounded by a fence on all sides.

Anmeldungsdatum: 29.03.2023
Beiträge: 165958

BeitragVerfasst am: 12. Jan 2024 09:46    Titel: value Antworten mit Zitat


Anmeldungsdatum: 29.03.2023
Beiträge: 165958

BeitragVerfasst am: 05. Apr 2024 19:35    Titel: value Antworten mit Zitat

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